快吧单机 攻略列表 《奖章:名人的秘密》第一章攻略


作者: 佚名 2013-05-16 15:20 互联网
第1章 场景1 Thelistofinformantsisonthebottomofthescreen. First,clickontheinformantwhohasagreendressinthemiddleofthescreenforthetutorial. Ther ...



The list of informants is on the bottom of the screen.

First, click on the informant who has a green dress in the middle of the screen for the tutorial.

There is the hint button in the bottom left corner for finding the informants easily.

Gaby and Bob Rocker are hidden in every scene of the first chapter. They are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find stars to improve your score. There are five stars circled in green in the screenshot.

Find the rest of the seven informants highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby and Bob Rocker are same every time.

Refer to the images to find the locations of the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Swapping of Face Parts

From the bride’s description in the left side of the screen, you can figure out which facial parts are correct.

Click on the buttons to swap facial features and “submit” to complete it.

Refer to the image for the solution.


Post 2

There are two descriptions about the informants in the list. Sometimes you can figure out which informants you need to find by the descriptions.

First, click on the informant who has the tree T-shirt in the screenshot as a tutorial.

Gaby and Bob Rocker are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in green in the screenshot.

Find the rest of the eight informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby and Bob Rocker are same every time.

Refer to the images to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Finding the “Potential Best Man”

Click on the each questions in the upper side of the screen and find the person that matches all the answers.

After opening all questions, click and remove the wrong faces to leave only the Potential Best Man.

Refer to the image for the solution.

After finding some special informants or items, you can customize Gaby’s blog by clicking the tag in the upper left corner in the main menu screen.


Post 3

Every time you find a special clock in the scene, use it to pause the expert goal bar in the bottom side of the screen.

There are three clocks circled in red in the screenshot.

Gaby and Bob Rocker are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in green in the screenshot.

Find nine informants highlighted in purple in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Bob Rocker and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Finding Differences

Find 7 differences between the two pictures.

Click on the differences and they will stay circled and collected.

Refer to the image for the locations of all the differences.


Post 4

Sometimes you will need to find the informants by their outlines.

Click on the fist informants from the outline in your list as tutorial.

Gaby and Bob Rocker are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find fivestars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find nine informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Bob Rocker and clocks are same every time.

After finding all 10 informants, find six pieces of paper highlighted in red in the screenshot to complete this scene.

Refer to the images to find the locations of the informants and objects.

Mini-game: Paper Puzzle

Click each piece of paper from the left and drag to the white square in the middle of the screen.

Put together the puzzle to finish this mini-game.

You do not need to rotate any pieces, so start at the corners and work in.

Refer to the image for the final image.


Post 5

Gaby and Bob Rocker are circled in green in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find ten informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Bob Rocker and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Correct Order

Arrange the four pictures in the blanks and click “submit.” The computer will say how many of the pictures are in the correct position.

Keep trying out different combos until all four are in the correct position.

The solution may be different when you play the game.

Refer to the image for the solution.


Post 6

Gaby and Bob Rocker are circled in green in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 12 informants highlighted in green in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Bob Rocker and clocks are same every time.

After finding all 12 informants, you will need to find the key in the upper left corner in the image.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Making the Cake

Click on each ingredients and decorations and drag to the cake by following the chef’s instructions.

Place the chocolate to the souse pan in the upper right corner in the screen.

Turn on the stove to make the chocolate syrup.

Take the chocolate syrup and drag to the cake vase to cover it.

Click on the milk, flour and butter and drag to the mixer next to the cake base.

Click on the mixer and drag to the cake base to decorate with frosting.

Click on the roses in the bottom side and drag to the cake base to decorate with them.

Click on the cake topper in the bottom left corner in the screen and drag to the cake to complete this puzzle.

Refer to the images for the solution.


Post 7

Gaby and Bob Rocker are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 13 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Bob Rocker and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Correct Order

Click on two postcards at the same time to find matching card.

There is one card without a match that is in the bottom right corner in the screen.

The locations of the pictures may be different when you play the game.

Refer to the image for the solution.


Post 8

Gaby and Bob Rocker are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in purple in the screenshot.

Find 14 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Bob Rocker and clocks are same every time.

After finding all informants, you will need to find five bills highlighted in red in the screenshot.

Refer to the images to find the locations of the informants and objects.

Mini-game: Taking Pictures

Click on Heidi in her wedding gown when she pops up.

Don’t click on her bodyguards because they will try to block your shot.

Take five perfect pictures of Heidi to complete this puzzle.

Refer to the image for the solution.
